Community Solar

Providing homeowners, businesses, and renters access to the benefits of solar power generation regardless of individual circumstances.

Ensuring that residents of all incomes have access to clean, renewable energy.

The popularity and resourcefulness of solar energy is gaining; however, there are many businesses and homeowners who, for any number of reasons, do not have access to this resource. Perhaps they rent their space, live in multi-tenant buildings, have roofs that cannot support the technology or experience other factors making it hard to take advantage of solar energy.

Community Solar is one solution! While building a stronger, distributed, and more resilient electric grid. Community Solar provides homeowners, businesses, and renters access to the benefits of solar power generation regardless of individual circumstances, especially low to moderate income households that are most directly impacted by access.

Community Solar
Quick Fact
Washington, D.C. and ~19 states have encouraged the benefits of sharing renewables through government policies and programs.
0 MW
power generated*

*NREL June 2020 Sharing the Sun Database

Equal access to the benefits that solar generation has to offer.

Community solar can offset electricity costs for residents, organizations, small business etc. by allowing them to receive electricity bill credits for the power produced by their portion of the solar array.

If you are unable to install a solar power system directly on your property, Community Solar allows you to have equal access to the economic and environmental benefits that solar generation has to offer regardless of the physical limitations or ownership of your property.

Community Solar installations are usually less than five MW and are placed on leased land. They vary in size and the affected land is easy returned to its original state after the project has lived out its useful life.

Community Solar
Quick Fact
The community solar market will add more than four GW of total capacity over the next five years.

Find out more about our Community Solar Projects