Ethics and Sustainability Requirements

Suppliers Contact

Suppliers Contact

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EDF Renewables requires our supply chain partners to operate in a manner that demonstrates the same commitment to sustainable, responsible, and ethical business practices that we require of our own employees.

Our Sustainability & Ethics Suppliers Requirements Manual set out EDF Renewables’ expectations in conducting business. Additional guidance is available through links to the EDF Group Code of Conduct, the UN Global Compact Practical Guide for Suppliers, and the Supplier’s Guide to Diversity & Inclusion. Although these expectations do not replace the terms of business set forth in any contract, agreement or purchase order, compliance with these expectations is a deciding factor when EDF Renewables selects partners for the supply of goods and services required to conduct our business.

Additionally, the sustainability and ethics requirements outlined in these documents apply to all suppliers, contractors, and subcontractors in receipt of purchase orders, contracts, or tender enquiries from EDF Renewables in relation to the provision of work, materials, goods, and services.

EDF Renewables is committed to conducting business with the highest standards of ethics. If you have any concerns in this regard, you are encouraged to discuss the matter with the manager assigned to your project. In situations where you prefer to place an anonymous report in confidence, you may use our Ethics Reporting Hotline, hosted by a third-party provider, EthicsPoint, available at or 844.602.6318.

Sustainability & Ethics Manual
Diversity & Inclusion Guide
Supplier Diversity Commitment

UN Global Compact Supplier Guide
EDF Group Code of Conduct